

2011年06月14日 - linux

anytopdf is a perl script that converts OpenOffice.org, Microsoft Office (Word DOC, Excel XLS), RTF, HTML, and other openoffice.org readable file formats to the PDF format. It will automatically install the supporting ‘AnyToPDF’ OpenOffice.org Basic macro library in the current user’s OpenOffice.org configuration if it’s not already present.

# anytopdf : convert any openoffice.org readable document to a PDF file using the current user's macro library (license: LGPL)
# http://code.google.com/p/anytopdf
#  known issues (MAJOR - READ THIS!):
#   - does not support attempts to use file names with commas, quotes, brackets, or newlines
#   - for some unknown reason, using perl system() fails silently, so we use backticks, which is REALLY bad!
#  notes:
#   - auto creates or extends the current user's Standard/AnyToPDF.xba macro libary
#  requirements:
#   - openoffice.org 3+ (with macro support, and support for the file format you want to use)
#   - standard perl install
#   - unix style system
#  changelog:
#   1.0    2009-04     initial version
#  thanks:
#   - http://www.togaware.com/linux/survivor/Convert_MS_Word.html / DannyB : original macro code
#   - openoffice.org contributors
#   - unix hackers with a conscience who don't work for morally bankrupt corporations, governments and militaries.
#  ... dedicated to peace, love, understanding and respect for all beings.

# requirements
use Cwd;
use File::Basename; # present in default perl distribution - should be present on every machine

# basic configuration and initialisation (you probably won't need to change this)
$VERSION = '1.0';
$OPENOFFICE_BINARY_NAME = 'soffice.bin';
$MACRO_FILE = $HOME . '/.ooo3/user/basic/Standard/AnyToPDF.xba';

# macro definitions

REM  *****  BASIC  *****
' . "\n";
$MACROS = 'Sub ConvertAnyToPDF(inFile,outFile)
   inURL = ConvertToURL(inFile)
   oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(inURL, "_blank", 0, Array(AnyToPDFMPV("Hidden", True), ))
   outURL = ConvertToURL(outFile)
   oDoc.storeToURL(outURL, Array(AnyToPDFMPV("FilterName", "writer_pdf_Export"), ))
End Sub
Function AnyToPDFMPV( Optional cName As String, Optional uValue ) As com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
   Dim oPropertyValue As New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
   If Not IsMissing( cName ) Then
      oPropertyValue.Name = cName
   If Not IsMissing( uValue ) Then
      oPropertyValue.Value = uValue
   AnyToPDFMPV() = oPropertyValue
End Function' . "\n";

# check that the openoffice program is in the path
if(length($OPENOFFICE_BINARY)<=2) {
 $OPENOFFICE_BINARY = `locate soffice.bin 2>/dev/null |grep '^/usr/' |head -n 1`;
 if(length($OPENOFFICE_BINARY)<=2) {
  $path = $ENV{'PATH'}; error("Could not find openoffice.org binary '$OPENOFFICE_BINARY_NAME' in PATH ($path) or via slocate.",100);
# check that we can execute it
if(!-x $OPENOFFICE_BINARY) { error("openoffice.org binary '$OPENOFFICE_BINARY_NAME' found in PATH at '$OPENOFFICE_BINARY', but cannot be executed!",101); }

# check that we have an input file argument and that it's a real file we can actually read
$infile = $ARGV[0];
if($infile eq '' || $infile eq '-h' || $infile eq '--help' || $infile eq '/?') { usage(); }
if($infile eq '') { error("Must supply input file name!",90); }
if($infile =~ /[,\(\)'"\r\n]/) { error("Input file name ($infile) cannot include comma, brackets, new lines or quotes.",94); }
if(!(-e $infile)) { error("Input file '$infile' does not exist!",91); }
if(!(-r $infile)) { error("Input file '$infile' is not readable!",92); }

# check that we have an output file argument and that it's in a real directory we can actually write, or it exists and we can overwrite it
$outfile = $ARGV[1];
if($outfile eq '' || $outfile eq '-h' || $outfile eq '--help' || $outfile eq '/?') { usage(); }
if($outfile eq '') { error("Must supply output file name!",95); }
if($outfile =~ /[,\(\)'"\r\n]/) { error("Outfile file name ($outfile) cannot include comma, brackets, new lines or quotes.",94); }
$outdir = dirname($outfile);
# prepends output directory to file should it be relative vs absolute (x.pdf vs. /some/place/x.pdf) - macro needs absolute
if($outdir eq '.') { $outdir = getcwd(); }
$outfile = $outdir . '/' . basename($outfile);
if(!(-e $outdir)) { error("Output directory '$outdir' does not exist!",96); }
else {
 if(!(-w $outdir)) { error("Output directory '$outdir' exists but is not writable!",97); }
 if((-e $outfile) && !(-w $outfile)) { error("Output file '$outfile' exists but is not writable!",98); }

# now check that we're installed in the user's openoffice settings
if(!(-e $MACRO_FILE)) { warning("Macro file '$MACRO_FILE' not present, will attempt to create."); }
else { if(!(-r $MACRO_FILE)) { error("Macro file '$MACRO_FILE' exists but is not readable.",80); } }
$MACRO_DIR = dirname($MACRO_FILE);
if(-e $MACRO_DIR) {
 if(!(-d $MACRO_DIR)) { error("openoffice.org macro directory '$MACRO_DIR' is not a directory!",81); }
else {
 `mkdir -p '$MACRO_DIR'`;
 if(!(-e $MACRO_DIR)) { error("Unable to create openoffice.org macro directory '$MACRO_DIR'!",82); }
if(-e $MACRO_FILE) {
 # check we're inside
 $data = `grep 'AnyToPDF' '$MACRO_FILE'`;
 if(!($data =~ /AnyToPDF/)) {
  $data = `cat '$MACRO_FILE'`;
  $data =~ s/$MACRO_FOOTER.*?$//msg;
  $data .= $MACROS;
  $data .= $MACRO_FOOTER;
  open(MACROS,">$MACRO_FILE") || error("Unable to open existing openoffice.org macro file '$MACRO_FILE' for writing!",83);
  print MACROS $data;
else {
 # attempt to create
 open(MACROS,">$MACRO_FILE") || error("Unable to open new openoffice.org macro file '$MACRO_FILE' for writing!",84);

# finally, check that our script file is registered
$data = `cat '$MACRO_DIR/script.xlb'`;
if(!($data =~ /library:name="AnyToPDF"/)) {
 warning("Extending user's openoffice.org scripts registry with AnyToPDF macro module.");
 $data =~ s/<\/library:library>.*?$//msg;
 $data .= " \n";
 $data .= "";
 open(SCRIPTS,">$MACRO_DIR/script.xlb") || error("Unable to open openoffice.org macro registry file '$MACRO_FILE' for writing!",85);
 print SCRIPTS $data;

# now perform the conversion
#  ... 1st add dirname if not present.
if(!($infile =~ /\//)) { $infile = getcwd() . '/' . $infile; }
$cmd = "$OPENOFFICE_BINARY -headless -invisible -norestore " . "\"macro:///Standard.AnyToPDF.ConvertAnyToPDF(" . $infile . "," . $outfile . ")\"";
# unsure why this doesn't work, fails silently.
#@args = ($OPENOFFICE_BINARY,'-headless','-invisible','-norestore','"macro:///Standard.AnyToPDF.ConvertAnyToPDF('.$infile.','.$outfile.')"');
#print system(@args) . "\n";

sub usage {
 print STDERR "anytopdf v$VERSION (LGPL) - converts arbitrary documents to PDF format using openoffice.org v3 macros.\n";
 print STDERR " http://code.google.com/p/anytopdf\n\n";
 print STDERR "usage: $0  \n";
 print STDERR "    input file in any format that openoffice.org can read (doc/xls/odt/rtf/html/txt/etc.)\n";
 print STDERR "   output file (will be written in PDF format)\n\n";
 print STDERR "return values: (more details will be returned via STDERR)\n";
 print STDERR " 0          success\n";
 print STDERR " 80-89      problem with writing openoffice.org macro file\n";
 print STDERR " 90-94      problem relating to input file\n";
 print STDERR " 95-99      problem relating to output file\n";
 print STDERR " 100-109    problem finding/executing openoffice binary\n";

sub error {
 ($str,$code) = @_;
 print STDERR "ERROR: $str\n";

sub warning {
 print STDERR "WARNING: " . shift(@_) . "\n";



anytopdf <input file> <output file.pdf>



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