

2010年06月11日 - typoscript


# This is the default TS-setup for the new tt_news standard html template: EXT:tt_news/pi/res/tt_news_v3_template.html
# (see Section Reference in the manual for more options & parameters)
# tt_news v 3.0.0

# Includes the newsLib:
includeLibs.ts_news = EXT:tt_news/pi/class.tx_ttnews.php

plugin.tt_news = USER
plugin.tt_news {

# stdWrap for the complete plugin output
stdWrap.wrap =

# template file
templateFile = {$plugin.tt_news.file.templateFile}

# page(s) where the news articles are stored -> "Starting point"
pid_list = {$plugin.tt_news.pid_list}

# extend "pid_list" by the number of recursive levels.
recursive = {$plugin.tt_news.recursive}

# ignore "pid_list" and "recursive". This saves a lot of processing time in huge pagetrees, but it has the disadvantage that the "enable fields" (hidden, start, stop ...) of the pages with news are ignored, too.
dontUsePidList = 0

# exclude news from display in a plugin, if they've been displayed already by another plugin on the same page.
excludeAlreadyDisplayedNews = 1

# page for the Single view
singlePid = {$plugin.tt_news.singlePid}

# decides which template part is taken for displaying news
code =

# maximum number of news all lists but latest
limit = {$plugin.tt_news.limit}

# maximum number of news in "latest"
latestLimit = {$plugin.tt_news.latestLimit}

# page where the "back to list" link in single view links to
backPid = {$plugin.tt_news.backPid}

# don't add plugin GETvars to the singleview link
dontUseBackPid = 1

# enable optionSplit for parameters in displayList and displayLatest
enableOptionSplit = 1

# int/optionSplit of the template part number(s)
altLayoutsOptionSplit =

# number of alternating template parts (is ignored if altLayoutsOptionSplit is set)
alternatingLayouts =

# typolink configuration for news with type "internal link" or "external URL"
pageTypoLink.parameter.current = 1

# allow news plugins to be cached
allowCaching = {$plugin.tt_news.allowCaching}

ignoreEnableFields {
starttime = 0
endtime = 0

* SINGLE news settings:

# divide the singleview to multiple pages
useMultiPageSingleView = {$plugin.tt_news.useMultiPageSingleView}

# insert pagebreaks to the singleview after a certain number of words
maxWordsInSingleView = 0

appendSViewPBtoContent = 0
useParagraphAsPagebreak = 0

displaySingle {
age_stdWrap.age = 1
age_stdWrap.wrap = |
textNewsAge_stdWrap.wrap =
date_stdWrap.strftime= %d.%m.%Y
time_stdWrap.strftime= %H:%M
title_stdWrap.wrap =

author_stdWrap.typolink.parameter.field = author_email
author_stdWrap.wrap = |
preAuthor_stdWrap.noTrimWrap = || |
author_stdWrap.required = 1

category_stdWrap.wrap = |
email_stdWrap.setContentToCurrent = 1
email_stdWrap.typolink.parameter.current = 1

subheader_stdWrap {
wrap =


trim = 1
required = 1
parseFunc < lib.parseFunc_RTE parseFunc.nonTypoTagStdWrap.encapsLines.nonWrappedTag >

content_stdWrap.parseFunc < lib.parseFunc_RTE content_stdWrap.parseFunc.nonTypoTagStdWrap.encapsLines.addAttributes.P >

# stdWrap for "additional info" (links, files, related news)
addInfo_stdWrap.wrap =


links_stdWrap.wrap =

linksHeader_stdWrap.wrap =


linksItem_stdWrap >
linksItem_stdWrap {
parseFunc < lib.parseFunc_RTE parseFunc.nonTypoTagStdWrap.encapsLines { nonWrappedTag >
innerStdWrap_all.wrap =



nextPrevRecSortingField = datetime
reversePrevNextOrder = 0

showTitleAsPrevNextLink = {$plugin.tt_news.showTitleAsPrevNextLink}

prevLinkTitle_stdWrap.wrap =
prevLinkLabel_stdWrap.wrap = < |
prevLink_stdWrap.wrap =

nextLinkTitle_stdWrap.wrap =
nextLinkLabel_stdWrap.wrap = | >
nextLink_stdWrap.wrap =


imageCount = 10
imgAltTextField = imagecaption
imageWrapIfAny =


imageMarkerOptionSplit =

caption_stdWrap {
trim = 1
required =
wrap =
dataWrap =




displaySingle.image {

file.maxW = {$plugin.tt_news.singleMaxW}
file.maxH = {$plugin.tt_news.singleMaxH}

# altText = TEXT
# altText {
# field = imagealttext
# stripHtml = 1
# split.token.char = 10
# split.token.if.isTrue = {$styles.content.imgtext.imageTextSplit}
# split.returnKey.data = register : IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT
# }

# titleText < .altText # titleText.field = imagetitletext wrap = imageLinkWrap = 1 imageLinkWrap { enable = 1 bodyTag =
wrap = |
width = 800m
height = 600
JSwindow = 1
JSwindow.newWindow = 1
JSwindow.expand = 0,0

* LIST news settings:

displayList {
age_stdWrap.age = 1
textNewsAge_stdWrap.wrap =
date_stdWrap.strftime= %d.%m.%Y
time_stdWrap.strftime= %H:%M

# Don't display caption in List view
caption_stdWrap.if.directReturn = 0

title_stdWrap.wrap =

subheader_stdWrap {
stripHtml = 1
crop = 230 | ... | 1
ifEmpty.field = bodytext

# the "more" link is directly appended to the subheader
append = TEXT
append.data = register:newsMoreLink
append.wrap = |
# display the "more" link only if the field bodytext contains something
append.if.isTrue.field = bodytext

outerWrap =



author_stdWrap.wrap =
preAuthor_stdWrap.noTrimWrap = || |
imageWrapIfAny =

category_stdWrap.wrap =


imgAltTextField = imagecaption

linkTitleField = title
linkTitleField.wrap =
linkAltField = short
linkAltField.wrap =

listImageMode = {$plugin.tt_news.listImageMode}
displayList.image {
file.maxW = {$plugin.tt_news.listMaxW}
file.maxH = {$plugin.tt_news.listMaxH}
imageLinkWrap = 1

# stdWrap which is used when there's no image at all
noImage_stdWrap.wrap =

* LATEST news settings:

# if set, a LATEST plugin changes its contents when a category is selected in the category menu
latestWithCatSelector = 0
# display archived news in LATEST
displayArchivedInLatest = 0

displayLatest {
age_stdWrap.age = 1
date_stdWrap.strftime= %d.%m.%Y
time_stdWrap.strftime= %H:%M
caption_stdWrap.if.directReturn = 0
subheader_stdWrap {
stripHtml = 1
crop = 100 | ... | 1
ifEmpty.field = bodytext
outerWrap =


imageCount = 1
imgAltTextField = imagecaption
imageWrapIfAny =
category_stdWrap.wrap =


categoryItem_stdWrap.wrap =

linkTitleField = title
linkTitleField.wrap =
linkAltField = short
linkAltField.wrap =

latestImageMode = {$plugin.tt_news.latestImageMode}

displayLatest.image {
file.maxW = {$plugin.tt_news.latestMaxW}
file.maxH = {$plugin.tt_news.latestMaxH}
imageLinkWrap = 1

stdWrap.spaceAfter = 0

* Pagebrowser settings:

# use the extended pagebrowser
usePiBasePagebrowser = 1

pageBrowser {
maxPages = 7
showResultCount = 1
showPBrowserText = 0
dontLinkActivePage = 1

showFirstLast = 1
pagefloat = center
showRange = 1
hscText = 1

showResultsNumbersWrap = |
browseBoxWrap =


showResultsWrap =


browseLinksWrap =


disabledLinkWrap = |
inactiveLinkWrap = |
activeLinkWrap = |
activeLinkWrap.stdWrap.wrap = |


singleViewPageBrowser {
maxPages = 10
showResultCount = 0
showPBrowserText = 0
dontLinkActivePage = 1

showFirstLast = 1
pagefloat = center
showRange = 0
hscText = 1

showResultsNumbersWrap = |
browseBoxWrap =


showResultsWrap =


browseLinksWrap =


disabledLinkWrap = |
inactiveLinkWrap = |
activeLinkWrap = |
activeLinkWrap.stdWrap.wrap = |


* settings for categories:

# Configures how news are selected by category:
# 2 = Show news which have all selected categories assigned (AND)
# 1 = Show news which have at least one of the selected categories assigned (OR)
# 0 = Show all. Don't care about category selections
# -1 = Show news which not have all of the selected categories assigned (AND)
# -2 = Show news which have none of the selected categories assigned (OR)
categoryMode = 0

# show only news with selected categories
categorySelection =

# extend categorySelection by subcategories
useSubCategories = {$plugin.tt_news.useSubCategories}

# disables "useSubCategories" for plugins with categoryMode = 2
ignoreUseSubcategoriesForAndSelection = 1

# display subcategories of assigned categories in news articles
displaySubCategories = {$plugin.tt_news.displaySubCategories}

# show a list of news belonging to the same category in single view
showRelatedNewsByCategory = {$plugin.tt_news.showRelatedNewsByCategory}

# use singlePid from category record instead of global singlePid
useSPidFromCategory = {$plugin.tt_news.useSPidFromCategory}

# go up in the category "rootline" until a singlePid has been found
useSPidFromCategoryRecusive = 1

# divider for categories in news articles
categoryDivider = ,

# stdWrap for the category divider
categoryDivider_stdWrap.noTrimWrap = || |

# Category Text mode: posible values are: 0 = don't display, 1 = display but no link, 2 = link to category shortcut, 3 = act as category selector.
catTextMode = {$plugin.tt_news.catTextMode}
# Category Image mode: same values as catTextMode.
catImageMode = {$plugin.tt_news.catImageMode}

# maximum width for category images
catImageMaxWidth = 25

# maximum heihgt for category images
catImageMaxHeight = 25

# maximum number of displayed category images in a news article
maxCatImages = 10

# maximum number of displayed category titles in a news article
maxCatTexts = 10

# order categories by this field.
catOrderBy =

* setting for the category menu (CATMENU):

# page where the category menu links point to. If not set the current page is taken.
catSelectorTargetPid =

# if set, the currently selected archive period (year & month) is added to the catmenu links (requires useHRDates=1)
catmenuWithArchiveParams = {$plugin.tt_news.catmenuWithArchiveParams}

displayCatMenu {
# list of page IDs where the categories for the menu are stored (overrides GRSP if given)
catPidList =
# extend "catPidList" by the number of recursive levels
recursive =

# catmenu rendermode:
# nestedWraps = make a catmenu with nested wraps
# tree = use TYPO3 class treeview to build an expandable menu
# ajaxtree = expandable menu with ajax (requires TYPO3 >= 4.1)

mode = {$plugin.tt_news.displayCatMenu.mode}

# include prototype js library (required for catmenu mode "ajaxtree")
includePrototypeJS = 1

showNewsCountForCategories = {$plugin.tt_news.displayCatMenu.showNewsCountForCategories}

# enable expand/collapse for the category menu
expandable = {$plugin.tt_news.displayCatMenu.expandable}
# completely expand the category menu on first load
expandAll = {$plugin.tt_news.displayCatMenu.expandAll}
# keep the first level of the category menu expanded
expandFirst = {$plugin.tt_news.displayCatMenu.expandFirst}

# stdWrap for the complete category menu
catmenu_stdWrap.wrap =


# stdWrap for the category menu header in "nestedWraps" mode
catmenuHeader_stdWrap.wrap =


# which icons to use for the category menu
# 1 = icon from cat record
# 2 = own icons
# 0 = default icon
# -1 = no icon
catmenuIconMode = {$plugin.tt_news.displayCatMenu.catmenuIconMode}

# if "catmenuIconMode" = "2" all catmenu images (join, line ...) are expected in this path (relative)
catmenuIconPath =

# icon for all categories if "catmenuIconMode" = 2
catmenuIconFile = EXT:tt_news/res/arrow.gif

catmenuIconFile {
# icon size for "catmenuIconMode" 1 & 2
width = 18
height = 16

# disables the "root" icon of the category tree
catmenuNoRootIcon = {$plugin.tt_news.displayCatMenu.catmenuNoRootIcon}

# insert the category description as title attribute in catmenu links
insertDescrAsTitle = 1

# userdefined root icon
catmenuRootIconFile =

catmenuRootIconFile {
# size of userdefined root icon
width = 18
height = 16

# wraps for active category links in the tree (only in mode "nestedWraps")
catmenuItem_ACT_stdWrap.wrap =


# wraps for inactive category links in the tree (only in mode "nestedWraps")
catmenuItem_NO_stdWrap.wrap =


# wraps for each menu level (only in mode "nestedWraps")
catmenuLevel1_stdWrap.wrap =


catmenuLevel2_stdWrap.wrap =


catmenuLevel3_stdWrap.wrap =


catmenuLevel4_stdWrap.wrap =



# settings for the category rootline
catRootline {
# render the category rootline to the marker ###NEWS_CATEGORY_ROOTLINE###
showCatRootline = {$plugin.tt_news.showCatRootline}

# stdWrap for the category rootline
catRootline_stdWrap.wrap =


# link the category title to the page which is configured as category shortcut
linkTitles = 1

# stdWrap for a single category title in the category rootline
title_stdWrap.wrap =

# divider for category titles in the category rootline
divider =  > 

* Archive settings (AMENU):

archiveMode = {$plugin.tt_news.archiveMode}
archive = 0
emptyArchListAtStart = 0

# This enables the use of the GETvars "year" and "month" for the archive links instead of "pS", "pL" and "arc".
useHRDates = {$plugin.tt_news.useHRDates}

# add "year", "month" and "day" to links pointing to the single view
useHRDatesSingle = 0

# add only "year" and "month" to links pointing to the single view
useHRDatesSingleWithoutDay = 0

# page id for the archive link in "LATEST" template
archiveTypoLink.parameter = {$plugin.tt_news.archiveTypoLink.parameter}

# If this is set, elements are automatically in the archive, after the given number of days has passed.
datetimeDaysToArchive = {$plugin.tt_news.datetimeDaysToArchive}

# If this is set, the archive-menu selects news by their archivedate - otherwise by their datetime.
enableArchiveDate = {$plugin.tt_news.enableArchiveDate}

# start date for the archive menu (php strtotime() syntax. e.g.: 1.1.2002, -3 months, -10 years, now
amenuStart = {$plugin.tt_news.amenuStart}

# end date for the archive menu (php strtotime() syntax. e.g.: 1.1.2002, -3 months, -10 years, now
amenuEnd = {$plugin.tt_news.amenuEnd}

# if set, newer archive menu items are displayed first
reverseAMenu = 1

# don't display empty periods in archive menu
archiveMenuNoEmpty = 1

# news with zero datetime will cause the amenu to search all periods starting from 1970. Disabling this is not recommanded.
ignoreNewsWithoutDatetimeInAmenu = 1

# never add the currently selected categories to archive links
disableCategoriesInAmenuLinks = 0

# if set, the archive menu changes its contents when a category is selected in the category menu and the currently selected category is added to the amenu links
amenuWithCatSelector = {$plugin.tt_news.amenuWithCatSelector}

# divide the archive menu to yearly periods
showYearHeadersInAmenu = 1

# stdWrap for the year in the archive menu
archiveYear_stdWrap.wrap =

  • |
  • # CObject for a single archive menu item
    archiveTitleCObject = COA
    archiveTitleCObject {
    10 = TEXT
    10 {
    field = start
    strftime = %B %Y
    wrap =

    # content which is filled to the marker ###ARCHIVE_ACTIVE### for the selected archive period
    archiveActiveMarkerContent = class="amenu-act"

    * Settings for attached files:

    newsFiles_stdWrap.wrap =


    newsFilesHeader_stdWrap.wrap =


    newsFiles {
    path = uploads/media/
    icon = 1
    size = 1
    size.bytes = 1
    jumpurl = 0
    stdWrap.wrap =



    * Settings for Related News:

    # automagically display the source article as related in the related article
    useBidirectionalRelations = {$plugin.tt_news.useBidirectionalRelations}

    # display pages as related news
    usePagesRelations = {$plugin.tt_news.usePagesRelations}

    # stdWrap for the list of related news and the relatedHeader

    related_stdWrap.wrap =

    # stdWrap for the relatedHeader
    relatedHeader_stdWrap.wrap =


    # icon for related news
    tmp.5 = IMAGE
    tmp.5 {
    file = EXT:tt_news/ext_icon.gif
    file.width = 18
    file.height = 16
    wrap = |  

    # end-wrap for the getRelated objects
    tmp.20 = TEXT
    tmp.20 {
    field = datetime
    strftime = %d.%m.%Y %H:%M
    wrap =  -  |

    # CObject for a single related item
    getRelatedCObject = COA
    getRelatedCObject {
    groupBy =
    orderBy = datetime desc

    10 = CASE
    10.key.field = type
    # settings for 'normal' related news
    10.default = COA
    10.default {
    wrap =


    5 < plugin.tt_news.tmp.5 10 = TEXT 10.field = title 10.typolink.parameter = {$plugin.tt_news.singlePid} 10.typolink.additionalParams.data=register:newsAddParams 10.typolink.useCacheHash = 1 20 < plugin.tt_news.tmp.20 } # settings for related news, that point to internal pages 10.1 = COA 10.1 { wrap =


    5 < plugin.tt_news.tmp.5 5.file=EXT:tt_news/res/tt_news_article.gif 10 = TEXT 10.field = title 10.typolink.parameter.field = page 20 < plugin.tt_news.tmp.20 } # settings for related news, that point to external URLs 10.2 = COA 10.2 { wrap =


    5 < plugin.tt_news.tmp.5 5.file=EXT:tt_news/res/tt_news_exturl.gif 10 = TEXT 10.field = title 10.typolink.parameter.field = ext_url 20 < plugin.tt_news.tmp.20 } } /******************************************************************************** * other settings: */ userFunc = tx_ttnews->main_news

    # Example for overriding values from locallang.php with other values
    _LOCAL_LANG.de {
    # more = [weiterlesen...]

    # Alters behavior of tt_news to be compatible with certain previous versions. See manual for details.
    compatVersion = 3.0.0

    # stdWrap for the list of related news by category
    relatedByCategory_stdWrap.wrap =

    relatedByCategoryHeader_stdWrap.wrap =


    # globalwrap 2 is used to wrap the list of related news by category
    wrap2.wrap =


    relNewsByCategory {
    code = list
    categoryMode = 1
    noPageBrowser = 1
    limit = 15

    noNewsToListMsg_stdWrap.wrap =
    displayList {
    time_stdWrap.strftime= %H:%M
    date_stdWrap.strftime= %d.%m.%Y
    title_stdWrap.crop = 55|...
    de.noNewsToListMsg =
    en.noNewsToListMsg =

    altMainMarkers.TEMPLATE_LIST.wrap = ### | ###


    # target page for the search form
    searchPid =
    # show only the search form when the search is displayed without searching anything
    emptySearchAtStart = 1

    # parse the 'back to list' link through htmlspecialchars()
    hscBackLink = 1

    # substitute pagetitle in single view with title of news article
    substitutePagetitle = 1

    # validate some configuration values and display a message if errors have been found
    enableConfigValidation = 1

    # stdWrap for the "no news to list" message
    noNewsToListMsg_stdWrap.wrap =


    # stdWrap for the "no archive items" message
    archiveEmptyMsg_stdWrap.wrap =
    # stdWrap for the "no search results" message
    searchEmptyMsg_stdWrap.wrap =
    # stdWrap for the "no news ID" message
    noNewsIdMsg_stdWrap.wrap =

    # stdWrap for the version preview message
    versionPreviewMessage_stdWrap.wrap =


    versionPreviewMessageLinkToOriginal_stdWrap.wrap =  |

    # render language label of current article to the marker ###NEWS_LANGUAGE###
    showLangLabels = 0

    # render language flag of current article to the marker ###NEWS_LANGUAGE### (appended to lang label)
    showFlags = 0

    # label for the default language (language uid = 0)
    defLangLabel = English

    # flag for the default language (language uid = 0)
    defLangImage = uk.gif

    # path/prefix for flag images
    flagPath = media/flags/flag_

    flagImage {
    # flag image configuration
    file.maxW = 16

    # Rendering of news items. re-use the RTE parseFunc configuration for normal content
    # general_stdWrap {
    # parseFunc < tt_content.text.20.parseFunc # } } # This enables the "insert records" element and the TypoScript RECORDS object item to display news tt_news >
    tt_news = < plugin.tt_news tt_news.displayCurrentRecord = 1 [globalVar = LIT:1 = {$plugin.tt_news.noIconsInRelatedNews}] plugin.tt_news.getRelatedCObject.10.default.5 >
    plugin.tt_news.getRelatedCObject.10.1.5 >
    plugin.tt_news.getRelatedCObject.10.2.5 >

    [globalVar = LIT:year = {$plugin.tt_news.archiveMode}]
    plugin.tt_news.archiveTitleCObject.10.strftime = %Y


    [globalVar = LIT:quarter = {$plugin.tt_news.archiveMode}]
    plugin.tt_news.archiveTitleCObject >
    plugin.tt_news.archiveTitleCObject = COA
    plugin.tt_news.archiveTitleCObject {
    10 = COA
    10 {
    10= TEXT
    10 {
    field = start
    strftime = %b - 
    wrap =
    11 = TEXT
    11 {
    field = stop
    strftime = %b %Y
    wrap =


    ### CVS id ###
    # $Id: setup.txt 21018 2009-06-03 20:17:51Z rupi $



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